
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mid Summer Recap 1

So by my lack of posting I'll use the excuse of a busy's a recap of what we've been doing.  In June the boys had a half birthday party since their birthdays are in November and schedules are so crazy with football and you can't swim in November (usually).  Brett had about 8 friends over and Blake had 2 (I know so not fair but I wasn't sure how many little ones I wanted in the pool with the big kids plus Blake is still making friends at his new school.)  They swam, they snacked, they swam, they played whiffle ball, basketball, they swam and we grilled dogs and invited the parents to stay and eat too.  It was a fun afternoon/evening and hopefully we can make it an annual event.
 Blake and his two buddies Cameron and Quincy.  

 Brett and his buddies...this was their game of choice for quite long could the person at the bottom hold on before he fell in.
Heated game of whiffle ball.  Most of these boys have played football and or baseball together the last couple of years together.  Good group of boys.
 We also had my cousin Katie and her family down for a visit.  Normally we get together at the lake but they hadn't seen the new house yet and the lake was still cold so they came here to swim.  We also found a weekend in both of our crazy schedules to get together at the lake weekend.  Can never have enough cousin time.
Katie and I....are 3 months apart and have always had a close relationship growing up.
 Blake attended VBS at Holy Cross.
 Brett attended Starbase at McConnell Air Force base with a couple of buddies.  
 Cousin Karlie and Emily came to visit catching one of Brett's games during a tournament and had some swim time.
Once again we had pretty wheat around the house this year....I love it....and really really miss it when it gets cut.
Our farmer cutting the wheat at the house.

Blake finished his baseball season with a special treat his coaches set up.  The Kansas Cannons (team made up of college players from all over trying to make it to the next step in their careers) played at the same complex and our little guys got to run on the field with the player that played the same position and had their name and number announced...just like the big leaguers.
 This is Blake and Devon at 2nd base.  Such a thrill for our little guys.
 Standing for the National Anthem.
Blake's first year of machine pitch was really fun and he did really well.  We had some great and patient coaches and hopefully we can stick with this team for awhile.  

Stay tuned for Summer Recap 2.


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